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tv   News  Al Jazeera  November 3, 2013 5:00am-6:01am EST

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junk scavenging with disabled relatives - how some you are forced to survive. >> i'm kath turner in new york. the new york city marathon after two events - hurricane sandy, and the boston marathon. . welcome to al jazeera. a bangladeshy court sentenced to death a leader based in the u.k. al jazeera spoke to chowdhury mueen-uddin, and he denied any involvement in the killings in 1971. he's been sentenced to death in his absence, by a court in the capital dakar, alongside ashrafuz zaman khan, who lives in the u.s. here is what chowdhury mueen-uddin told us in july. >> i was not involved in any criminal activities in "71 or
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since. i was not supporting military action. i resigned my political post. >> rob reynolds has more from outside the court in dakar. >> the war crimes trials in dakar which have been going on for several months created divisions in bangladesh. you have the ruling party, led by prime minister sheikh hasina. she says, and her supporters say, that this is a long overdue accounting, a reckoning, if you will, and justice meted out for events that occurred 40 years ago, atrocities and the widespread mass killings of civilians. >> opposition leaders say that this is a show trial, designed
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to eliminate the leadership of certain opposition parties, including the religious party jamar islamia. in the meantime the situation is growing tense. there was a general strike last week, and another this week, called by the opposition of 18 other parties. the prime minister sheikh hasina is holding a monster rally of her supporters. the situation has all the ingredients for potentially more violence. >> the 1971 war of independence from pakistan lasted nine months. 3 million people were killed. others put the figure lower. most of the victims were proindemonstrates bangladesh nationalists - intellectuals and hindus. the war crimes tribunal has been
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trying to hold those accused of crimes accountable. it's accused of political bias and targetting opposition parties. more than 100 people have been killed in protest since the first verdict delivered in january. eight people have been convicted. six sentenced to death. >> let's speak to tony caddman, who represents both men. first, response to the news that your clients, chowdhury mueen-uddin, and ashrafuz zaman khan have been found guilty of war crimes and sentenced to death in absenta. what's your response? >> firstly, we are appalled by the conduct of the trials. not just for chowdhury mueen-uddin and ashrafuz zaman khan, but all the trials we have seen so far. to convict individuals in absenta and sentence them to death is amorable. you may have seen that no defense evidence was called
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whatsoever. my clients have no right to appeal. rather than seek their extradition before the trial started, the government decided to forego that and go for a sensationalist victory, which has more to do with the upcoming election and little to do with justice. >> can i ask you an historical question. why did both men flee bangladesh after the war of independence in "71. if they weren't guilty of anything, what were they fleeing from. >> my understanding, certainly from chowdhury mueen-uddin - he responded to that question. to say that they fled is an unfair characterisation of what happened. they both supported the unity of pakistan on a political standpoint. neither supported the military action, and they have distanced themselves from it. mr chowdhury mueen-uddin for
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example, returned several times to bangladesh over the last 40 years, as never attempted to conceal his whereabouts, and has not shied away from these allegations. he has said, quite openly - he said it to this news station and publicly - that he is prepared to put himself before a credible judicial process, but this is not a credible judicial process. the government... >> it's slightly confusing. the tribunal in bangladesh said they tried to get your client, certainly chowdhury mueen-uddin into the dock, but failed to do so. >> no, they haven't. >> let me ask you briefly - will you then try to clear his name or is that irrelevant because he'll never return to bangladesh anyway? >> well he has no right now to challenge this judgment. i mean the suggestion that the government or the tribunal has
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tried to have him before the tribunal is utterly ridiculous. they have not contacted his defense team. the prosecutor today said, "we know where he resides so we will seek to have him returned." they should have done this before the trial started. they should have filed an extradition request. he's under no obligation to voluntarily surrender to the tribunal. he has not concealed his whereabouts. mr ashrafuz zaman khan, for example, again, has not concealed his whereabouts. there was a team of investigators from the bangladesh tribunal that conducted an unlawful investigation in new york before this trial started, without the permission of the u.s. authorities, so they know where he is. the investigators visited... >> we are running out of time. i want to get a final thought for you. what do you make of the
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international crimes tribunal in bangladesh. some say, as you pointed out, that it has a political agenda. the historical fact remains 3 million people died in the war. many proindependent supporters and intellectuals are murdered. how do you bring those responsible to justice. >> through a credible international tribunal. >> this process has been split sissed from the first -- plit sissed from the first day and is used by the opposition to rid their political opponents as we lead up to the elections. it is beyond question that atrocities were committed on a massive scale and it is deserving of an international tribunal. we have never once stated that there should not be trials. of course there should. this is one of the worse conflict in history. there needs to be an incredible international process. >> tony caddman talking to al jazeera. >> there's fighting between m23
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rebels and the military outside the city of goma in the eastern democratic republic of congo. >> soldiers accused them of committing atrocities during the retreat. malcolm webb has this report from rumanagabo in eastern drc. >> this patch of bush next to a former m23 rebel base looks like any other in eastern congo. something more sinister lies within. the soldier leads us to the body of a man laying in a shallow grave. he died recently. the smell is unpleasant. it looks like he was tied with his arms behind his back and his legs tide together. and blood is coming from his head. he likes likes he was executed. >> soldiers in villages say for
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more bodies were visible in this hole before rain buried them in mud and there were more throughout the surrounding bush. it's next to a barracks that the rebels took from the government a year ago. a few days ago the rebels fled and the army moved in. rebels who surrendered said the m23 executed prisoners before it left. we tried to contact m23, but they haven't answered phone calls since government forces fought them back. people in the villages around the base say living near the m23 was tough. >> they have prisoners there. we heard they killed prisoners. they killed them all. >> translation: they would beat people and arrest people and make them disappear. >> the world's largest u.n. peace-keeping forces in democratic republic of congo have been helping the government fight m23.
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the u.n. hasn't managed to stop atrocities in the 14 years since it's been here. they'll find out what happened. >> we know that bodies have been found in that area. the area has been controlled by m23 for one year, and has been taken by the army a few days ago. we are quickly forming a team which is going to vet. from the results we'll tell you what was discovered. >> the government says it's investigating too. war crimes are common in congo's conflict. the full story may never be uncovered. >> a stampede in eastern nigeria left 17 people dead and dozens injured. it happened after an overnight church vigil. it's not known what caused the stampede. the state governor said an inquiry will investigate what
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happened. >> french ministers are holding a meeting in response to the murder of two french journalists killings mali's government has condemned the killings. >> in northern yemen more heavy fighting is being reported as shia muslim rebels attack a stronghold. a tribal leader says 100 have been killed in three weeks of fighting around damaj. the red cross can't treat the civilian casualties. we have had report from the capital. >> this is the only video that we have of the latest fighting in damaj. it's a stronghold for mus line conservatives, the salafi, and has been shelled by shia muslims. >> it has become home for
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religious conservative parties and members of al qaeda. >> translation: these are foreign extremists considering us herra tickets. they are trying to drag the county into a sunni-shi'a war. >> these or houthi rebels, a few years ago they were a marginal group. this display of force shows that they are now one of the biggest arms factions in yessen. they have all sorts of weapons, including tanks, artillery and rocket launches and the yemeni government accused iran of backing the hoouthies of destabilising the country. >> salafis in sanaa made it clear that they were angry and want the government to send in the army to protect the civilians and end the fighting.
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it's too late for some people, this man from damaj. two of his sons were killed in the fighting. his house was destroyed. he's furious. >> translation: we will fight. it will be sectarian war across the country. we will revenge our loved ones who are killed. >> the country has been weakened by years of ipp stability. the government is under pressure to step in. >> people here are concerned if the fighting continues, the country could slip towards the civil war. >> lots more to come on the newshour, including the plan that could end decades of fighting in myanmar. india celebrates the festival of lights. why are the illuminations made
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in china. real madrid win. what angered their coach? sports to come later in the program. . u.s. secretary of state has just arrived in egypt. john kerry's first visit since the over throw of mohamed morsi. he's to make an appearance in court on monday, accused of inciting murder and violence. relations has been strained inns u.s. withdrew k since the u.s. withdrew some aid. >> this is john kerry's first visit since the deposing of mohamed morsi. what more do we know about the secretary of state's visit. >> we know he landed half an hour ago. he's already meeting the foreign minister in cairo.
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and he'll meet with the man behind the current government, the defence minister, abdul fatah al-sisi. >> we are hearing that the u.s. officials on the plan landing in cairo with the u.s. secretary of state was saying that he was expecting a frostry reception. we know they announced a freeze on hundreds of millions of dollars worth of aid to egypt last month, and also the transference of military hardware - like helicopters and tanks. it didn't go down well in egypt. the u.s. trying to draw a line in the sand saying to the new government - respect human rights, bring in democratic principles, stop your crackdown on the muslim brotherhood, be inclusive. that has not been seen in egypt since the freeze happened. the message coming out of the government is that they are on that stand. the foreign minister gave an interview on seat saying they are looking beyond the u.s. for security needs. the gulf nations have given
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billions in aid. it will be interesting to see whether there's movement between egypt and the u.s., or whether john kerry leaves with nothing changing. >> mohamed morsi makes his first appearance in court. what do we expect to happen? >> well we were speculating whether mohamed morsi will come to court. it seems he will be in court. preparations for that have been widespread. 20,000 military personnel on the streets to secure the streets. we see the interior minister doing a tour where a cage is being installed for dr mohamed morsi and 14 other muslim brotherhood defendants who will appear. the legal preparations - they seem to be nil. we are hearing from his legal team, or who would be his legal team. one of the lawyers saying he has not met mohamed morsi. we don't know whether that's
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because they've been prevented from meeting. he doesn't recognise the legitimacy of the trial, or respect that he is a defendant in any way. we are expecting the legal team to make a move as soon as the trial stops, to say they want a meeting to discuss the way forward for his own legal defense. >> thank you sue. meanwhile john kerry's due to visit israel and the occupied west bank later this week. his trip part of an effort to revive peace talks betweenize rails and the palestinians. >> stefanie dekker reports from the west bank. palestinians are losing hope there's anything left for them to gain. >> it was not like this 10 years ago. now this is the only way home. he says living in a prison would be easier. here he and his family face the threat of harassment from jewish settlers and the israeli harmy.
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>> we live inside the wall, not beside or next to it. inside it. this is a military zone. i'm surrounded by gates, on each gate is a mortal danger zone. >> the separation wall surrounds his house. over at the back it goes across the side, right across the front. he's completely isolated. there's a settlement down the road and on the hill. and when we come to his garden there's a settlement across the way. it's an extreme example but reflects the reality on the ground of ever-expanding israeli settlements. the israeli government approved thousands of settlement houses. it's seen as a step to calm members of the israeli right. outraged by the release of 112 prisoners held for 20 years. there's a feeling that since
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prime minister benyamin netanyahu never agreed to stop building settlements to return to the peace talks, that the talks were a failure from the start. >> he does not want to withdraw from jerusalem or hear about refugees. there'll be a continued israeli presence in the territories of the palestine state and the actual fact is that they want to maintain the de facto situation and call it a 2-state solution. >> it's a sentiment echoed. he doesn't know what is left to discuss. he says israel has taken it all. he mokkingly calls his fenced in home the independent state of hami sz amid. there's litting here he can control. arab league foreign ministers are set to meet to discuss the crisis on syria. efforts to get both sides to
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take part in peace talks have ramped up. talks have been held with the head of the coalition in cairo. opposition groups are split on whether to attend geneva ii talks scheduled for later this month. >> ethnic rebels in myanmar have agreed to start peace talks with the government. 17 armed groups have been meeting for the past four days. getting troops to hold will not be easy. >> it's hoped the signing of this draft plan will end more than 60 years of fighting. there are a lot of ifs. 17 armed groups have decided they will agree to a ceasefire with the government if the government meets their continues. it could be the first step towards a nation-wide ceasefire if the groups stick to it. >> if one group is pressured by the government to sign, we should not allow it. it's unacceptable.
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our agreement is if we sign a ceasefire it should be on the same side. >> some of the ethnic groups have fought for semiautonomy. many of their people live in camps for the eternally displaced. this woman fled from her home when flighting flared up. she worries about the future of her granddaughter. . >> translation: we have seen the pictures of the two sides meeting for peace talks and red the statement. when we compare it to reality they don't want to give the people any self-control. >> the leaders of the army say a ceasefire will only hold if everyone is part of it. >> the burmese government is talking about a nation-wide ceasefire. all groups have to be included otherwise we won't be successful. >> security was tight during the talks.
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most people here want piece. they hope the government and rebel commanders will deliver it. >> let's give you some details about the problems in kachin and myanmar. kachin is in the north. there's many ethnic and religion groups, mostly christian. in myanmar it's mostly buddist. a civil war broke out two years ago. that's only one worry for the myanmar government. there's violence between buddhists and rohingyas. joe blachlland is an analyst and joins us via skype from canberra. how significant really is the ceasefire agreement. how hopeful are you that it could result in a lasting peace in myanmar. ixed i think it is quite significant. i think it follows on from the
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president's plan to establish a sense of order that works for his government. this is - it needs to be seen in the context of the roadmap that the government has - the regime prior to this government established back in 2003. and it's about establishing an element of prosperity reliant on security. that prosperity is something seen as being in the interests of the tafaldorf and the military that backed the government. this is, in some respects, a cynical ploy by the government, but it's something that has broader benefits for the community. >> it is slightly confusing john blachl land because the government signed separate caes
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fires with some of the groups anyway. >> yes, they have. but they have been fighting bitter battles with those that held out. the catchin experienced hardship over the last 12 months. the karin, mon and others reported little reported fires that have placed inordinate pressure on them. there is a sense amongst the separatist groups that the reforms that had been taking place in burma, myanmar and other places took the pressure off the government of myanmar from making more concessions. there's a trepidation, a fear that what has happened with the european union lifting sanctions, the united states lifting sanctions, other countries lifting sanctions.
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the association of south-east asian nations, agreeing for myanmar to chair asian - these are signs that the pressure is off. the groups are quite worrying. >> so where now does this leave the political path forward for the country, particularly with opposition leader aung san suy kyi and other leaders? >> it's very interesting. this is a country that is primarily burma, the burmese people. the ethnic people in the ceasefire groups are a minority, looking for concessions from the central government. the central government needs to make concessions as well for it to maintain credibility. aung san suy kyi doesn't have a prominent role to play. she's the lady, her role is, to some extent, marginal when it
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comes to ceasefire negotiations because she doesn't have the gravitas, if you like, outside of the central burma. it's problematic from that point of view. it is very interesting to think about what is going to happen. the ceasefire we talk about happening is subject to compromise, because the united army and the war and the shan groups are not signing up to it. >> thank you john blaxland. thank you for talking to al jazeera. >> let's have a check on the weather. well we have a stormy weekend for western europe, not as bad as last weekend. bad enough nevertheless. wind and rain piling in from the atlantic. northern stain, 54mm of rain came down in the space of 24 hours. here is the offending area of low pressure, across the irish
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sea and it's piling across the u.k. and pushing eastwards. in the press we saw strong winds, gusting as high as 143 k/hr in swan si in south wales. strong enough to bring down powerlines and trees. around 98 homes without power. at one stage about 1,000 homes across the south and west wales were without power. conditions not too good at the moment. the offending area of low pressure is out to the north sea. quieter weather for a time - for a good part of the sunday. the next weather system will steam in from the atlantic as we go through sunday night into monday. by monday - drier and brighter. a blustery day, more heavy rain to come. into northern parts of spain and portugal, making its way eastwards. unsettled all around.
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>> time for a short break. when we come back school is out in moray tainia because classrooms aren't ready. >> i'm reporting on how the crisis in madagascar put the vulnerable at risk of presentation. >> and a classic finish in the richest horse race in south africa.
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>> welcome back.
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a reminder of the top stories - two ex-isles from bangladesh have been sentenced to death for war crimes. chowdhury mueen-uddin lives in the u.k., and ashrafuz zaman khan is in the united states. a tribunal found both guilty in their absence of murdering 18 intellectuals during the war of independence in 1871. m23 rebel fighters in democratic republic of congo have been accused of committing atrocities. bodies have been discovered in freshly dug graves. >> intense fighting has been reported near the city of goma. >> the secretary of state john kerry is in cairo on his first visit to egypt since the overthrow of mohamed morsi. the deposed president is due to stand trial on monday accused of citing murder and violence. >> voting is under way in kosovo, testing the fragile relationship with serbia, urnaling the serb minority to get out and vote.
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a -- urnaling the serb minor to to get out and vote. >> kosovo was part of serbia in 1992. the territory, which has a majority ethnic albanian declared independence. all of kosovo's neighbours except serbia recognise its independence. there's a large serbian population in the north of kosovo. >> now to stefan. why are the elections so important then? >> well, the elections are more than the ordinary local elections. they are important on many levels. on one hand for the government it's a way to finalise and establish all parts of kosovo with emphasise on the north where the majority of the population is serbian. on the other hand serbian
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government say it's the last chance to retain control of areas inhabited by serbs. >> this is the first process organised after the brussels agreement was reached by the two prime minister, one of kosovo, and the ert of serbia. the brussels agreement is aiming at improving tense relationship between belgrade. it has been very difficult. we were told that the polling stations will be closed at 7:00 pm local time, and that we will have first preliminary results tonight, around 9:00 pm local time. >> have there been incidents in the run up to the vote? >> so far no major incidents throughout kosovo. we were told by a reporter based in the northern parts of kosovo that some polling stations were not open in time, so the voters
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could not cast votes. we could not confirm that with the central election commission. they said that it's only one polling station not opened in time due to technical irregularities. we were told that some buses, which were organised by the serbian government were not allowed into kosovo territory. they were carrying passengers and voters from serbia who wanted to cast votes. they were forced to continue their journey. for now, no bigger incident. >> thank you. now a state funeral is due to be held for poland's first prime minister after communism. he died age 86 in wa saw. he was in power in 1989 for less than two years. the funeral service will celebrate his role celebrating
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commoounism to democracy. >> the economy in madagascar has been badly damaged. more young women are selling their bodies in order to survive. >> life drives many people to take desperate measures. there are a few jobs because the political and economic crisis. some parents can't afford to look after their families, giving teenagers like these no choice but to make a living on the streets. this girl is 14, robyn 13. she tried to make a living washing laundry. >> we were very poor already. i came because my parents don't have any money. >> in a country where 92% of the population survives on less than $2 a day, the young women will accept as little as $0.25 for sex. families are under pressure to
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make ends meet. >> translation: children are the first victims in the crisis. families can't cope. exploitation of kids through profit tuition, labour, begging and violence is rising. >> this woman says the cultural tradition of child brides means some mada gas cans voou sex with a girl as acceptable. she said it's something the government doesn't take seriously. but they reject that. >> translation: cases are not always reported to us. it's considered a normal cultural activity. >> marrying or having sex with someone under 18 is illegal in madagascar. the government's awareness campaign has been cut back because of the crisis. >> there may not be hard fact and figures, but social workers, aid agencies and women we have
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been talking to tells the same stories. that the crisis put the most vulnerable at greater risk of exploitati exploitation. yuny self runs this center. mada gas cans hope for political stabibility a return of donor money before more young people are forced on to the streets. >> police in niger arrested 150 people trying to cross foo neighbouring algeria through the sahara. it's part of a crackdown on migration following the discovery that 92 people died of thirst making the same journey. police say those arrested are being held in arn et, a northern town. >> malian rev gus complain they are not receiving appropriate food. there's a high rate of disease
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among children because of malnutrition. since fighting began in northern halli, 204,000 people have been displaced within the country, according to a u.n. refugee agency estimate. another 2,000 mallians found refuge in neighbouring countries. northern mali, and the people there are largely inaccessible because of heavily armed groups. al jazeera's correspondent visited a camp on more tainia's border with mali. >> the school here at the refugee camp in southern morey tainia should have started in october. the school is not ready. so this is where and how children spend their time. the other place is this one.
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at the medical center worried mothers seek assistance for sick babies. the number of cases related to malnutrition is alarming. children are dying. this woman brought her sick daughter while in grief for the death of her baby boy a year ago in similar conditions. u.d he fell sick. i brought him here. they gave him food bags. they stopped giving them, and he fell sick. i begged them to send him to another place for treatment. they refused. his health decliped and he passed away. >> doctors without borders runs a special camp. >> since january we've received a flow of refugees in northern mali and registered a high level of malnutrition among children. in may the situation improved. we have 300 now cases admitted
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every month. if nothing is done, those children will die. >> the refugees blame it on relief organizations that refuse to supply milk and meat - essential food items. >> translation: my daughter fell sick due to the lack of milk. she used to drink from the livestock. she began to vomit and suffer diarrhoea. >> the u.n. aid agencies says the amount of food distributed - the minimum standard is 3,100 kilo calories per ipp take. we prised 2,200. two things we don't distribute is meat and milk. there are rules, hygiene rules and regulations. >> if the lack of school and malnutrition were not enough, it's the children at the camp
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who do most of the hard work required for daily living. or simply train for a future imagined to be only one of war and confrontation. >> to cuba where dozens of privately run movie theatres and video salons have been shut by the government. the authorities say they want to restore order and discipline in the business center. it has caused anger. president raul castro has instituted a series of market reforms since taking over in 2008. >> the suspect in the los angeles shooting has been charged with murd erp. 23-year-old paul ciancia faces the death penalty or life in prison without parole. flights have returned to normal after the killing of a transport worker. >> now to the second pardon our series on senior citizens. when it comes to ageing
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population, south korea is the fastest growing. has harry fawcett reports many elderly people have no choice but to keep working. >> she may not look it, but she is 62. 15 years after closing shop at her own cafes she decided to come back to work. as well as earning money it's a change for grandchild duty. >> it keeps me feeling young. i meet people and i make money. as long as i can, i want to work. >> she is not alone. a job sharing center for the over 50s is packed with senior citizens. each applicant has his or her own reasons. >> i'm in good shape. do i like like someone over 70. >> translation: my son got married. now i have a darnal. i need -- daughter-in-law, i need a job to save face. >> the over 65s make up 12% of
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the population. by 2050 it will be 37%. the government is encouraging employers to hire older workers. >> translation: the government provides half the salary for the first four months of the internship and $600 for the first six months of regular employment. >> working in old age is not about shifting demographics or a lifestyle choice, it's a question of survival. they have poor levels of revenue, leaving those at the bottom looking to scratch a living by any means they can. >> you see them around seoul, pushing carts laden with other's junk. this woman does this every day, followed by her mentally disabled daughter. bringing a haul to a recycling yard. on a good day she makes $6. >> translation: my other daughters told me to send her to
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an institution and live comfortably. i did not do that. now they don't call. they say they can't bear her, not even for a day. >> south korea ranks 33rd out of 34 economies in relation to welfare it provides to its elderly. as the population gets older it will prove harder. more will have to keep working whether they like it or not. >> still to come, we are limbering up for the new york city marathon, and so are 40,000 runners - including some with four legs. >> after securing a fourth formula 1 title, can sebastien vettel win his seventh race. details after this. bsh
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welcome back. in a few hours time more than 40,000 runners will take part in the new york city marathon. as kath turner reports the organizers are facing extra challenges. count down to race day. runners from around the world are ready for sunday's new york marathon. the wait has been longer than unusual. hurricane sandy threw everything into chaos last year. the marathon starting line is on staten island where 23 died in the storm. initially mayor michael bloomberg insisted the race should go ahead because it pumped hundreds of millions into the economy. most residents were furious. >> we are pulling bodies out of water. see the disconnect.
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>> 48 hours before the race was due to start... >> we will not conduct the 2012 new york city marathon. >> competitors complained about money wasted on flights and hotel fees. 20,000 runners register with a carte and must raise a minimum of 3,000 in return for a spot in the race. when the marathon was called off runners qualified for this year, meaning fundraising wasn't compulsory and organizers are missing out. >> we doubled efforts on facebook, twitter, print advertisements. every possible awareness vehicle we could get our hands on and afford. we came up short. >> last year this man raised money for charity but was uncomfortable asking friends and family to donate this year. he works on staten island and supports the cancellation last
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year. >> we were setting up tents, food, generators next to people who lost their homes. it was inappropriate. >> the bomb explosions at the boston marathon in april are having a direct impact on the race here. closed-circuit television was crucial in identifying two brothers responsible for the attack. new york officials responded accordingly and will watch from police headquarterses. there'll be security at the finish line - more police and counterterrorism officers, police dogs, helicopters and bag checks. the race is not just about logistics. >> it will be very emotional, positive day as we remember so many. >> alongside of the tribute many hope in world famous marathon can get back on track. we'll check on the sport. >> thank you. football - real madrid coach
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carlos anchel oty described his side's perform as as a disaster. real took a 3-0 lead. cristiano ronaldo with two of the goals against the spanish league's bottom side. jonathan viros scored two penties. holding for a 3-2 win. 6 points behind leaders barcelona. bayern munich equalled a german record for a long unbeaten run of 36. they move to the top of bundize leagua with a win over hofenheim. bayern's keeper dropping a catch allowed hofenheim to take the lead. a free kick deflected. thomas muller with the winner. 36 games without defeat equals a record between 1982 and 1983.
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>> translation: it was not our best performance, but we did win. we must correct our system. we are there. i realised that during the last year it was complicated for bayern munich to play. for that reason we are happy to be the winners. >> shakta bounced back. they won 2-0. they face chelsea in the champion's league or on wednesday. >> arsenal took a 5-point lead at the top of the english premier league. >> it was vital. i said that before the game. i don't challenge my mind. people say yes, arsenal at home they cannot win. it's done. in a conventional way. we had good solidarity, good
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focus and i believe we have plenty of other big games coming up. that will help us to deal well with them. >> it was a good day for manchester clubs. united beat fulham and mann city winning. arsenal's gap causing chelsea's defeat. >> there'll be a red bull 1:2 at the top of the grid. nothing unusual about that. the order may come as a surprise. it was mark webber who snatched poll from under the nose of team-mate and newly crowned world champion sebastien vettel. the australian competing in his final season in f1, looking for his first win of 2013. he'll aim to end vet's run of six straight races. staring on the second row. >> happy with the poll.
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it's a good track. it hasn't been superinvigorating for me. we innocentlied the quality and are looking for the race tomorrow. we have a good car. >> novak djokovic faces david ferer in the paris masters. he knocked out nadya tolokonnikova in a rematch of the french open fine. world number three will aim to win his third title of the year. >> novak djokovic fought back from a set down to beat 17 grand slam champion. novak djokovic is looking for his sixth title of the year. >> as the match went on i felt like i had more chances, and i just felt better and better. there's so much progress. i found the rith im on the
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serve. it was definitely a key to success. >> there has been three wins in a row at the start of the nba season. they beat the cleveland cavaliers at home. the pacers won 89 to 74. >> a day after being thrashed 7-0 by the washington capitals on friday, the philadelphia flyers battled back with a win over new jersey devils. the only goal of the game, and a 1-0 victory. it's only philadelphia's fourth win of the season. >> johnson wins the wtc champions. the american tipped in an eagle on the 16th hole, helping him get a 3-shot victory over ian
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pooulter. it's his eighth pga tour win. new zealand trying to avoid a whitewash against bangladesh. an unbeaten century helps new zealand post 307 for five. in apply rahman missed out on a tonne of four bangladesh. >> they are 259 for five. bangladesh sealed the lead 2-0. >> an australian olympic medallist in kayaking has been arrested after a drug bust in yales. nathan baggeley won two silvers at the asian games in 2004. he faces seven charges including conspiracy to manufacture and produce a prohibited drug. >> match mucho mucho man won a
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3-way dual to win the breed. gary -- breeders' cup. gary stevens won his first classic as he pushed mucho muchoman to the front. the 5-year-old filly, who man second narrowly edged out we'll take charge in the richest race in north america. that's it for me. >> thank you very much. see you later. india's biggest festival is in full swing. diwali is the festival of lights. many of the illuminations are made in china. we explain why indian manufacturers can't compete with cheep chinese imports. >> prayers are an important tradition during diwali, the festival of light. apart from prayers, this diwali
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is less. indian manufacturers can't compete with cheap chinese lights. >> the chinese ones are brighter and cheaper. in india they make one or two a day. in china production is higher. >> a third of consumers are buying chinese made decorations for diwali. some manufacturers embrace the chinese imports. >> some feel that chinese products are more profitable than manufacturing. >> although it's the biggest festival good prices and better quality are more important than made in india. they are losing some of their local flavour in diwali. sweets made of butter and milk are being replaced by foreign flavours.
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cupcakes, cookies and chocolate made from european and american recipes are more popular, thanks to a growing middle class. >> people maintain some old traditions. markets like this one selling handmade deccoritions are busy. for some people, if it's not ippedian, it's not diwali. >> if something is made in front of you, why would you buy something from china. it's good enough. >> diwali celebrates the victory of good over evil. for some foreign aid products may take away from tradition. for others it's the festival of light - no matter how it's lit or sounds. >> that's it from me for now. stay with us here. another full bulletin of news is coming up ahead at the stop of the hour.
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thanks for watches al jazeera. stay tuned. another full bulletin of news is
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two men sentenced to death for war crimes committed during bangladesh's war for independence. hello, you are watching al jazeera live from doha. also ahead - more fighting in the eastern democratic republic of congo. soldiers are accusing rebs else of -- rebels of war crimes during their retreat. >> former president mohamed morsi -


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